Department of Marketing and Logistics

The Department of Marketing and Logistics at Fisher College of Business prepares undergraduate and graduate students to take on important roles at leading international companies. Courses taught by world-class faculty are offered in consumer behavior and quantitative marketing, as well as logistics and supply chain management.
The department's undergraduate marketing and logistics programs are consistently ranked among the top 20 in the country by U.S. News and World Report. They are also among the most-sought after at Fisher.
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Our faculty are dedicated educators and researchers who prepare students to become effective leaders in their careers.
Marketing and Logistics Faculty, Staff and Students
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Marketing at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
Logistics at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
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Faculty Recruitment
Consulting Projects for Businesses
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Marketing Projects Logistics Projects
The department's undergraduate marketing and logistics programs are consistently ranked among the top 20 in the country by U.S. News and World Report. They are also among the most sought after at Fisher.
The faculty in the Department of Marketing and Logistics are frequently recognized for their quality contributions to teaching as well as research. They publish innovative research in leading journals such as the Journal of Business Logistics, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Marketing Science.
in Supply Chain Management / Logistics
U.S. News and World Report, 2023
in Marketing
U.S. News and World Report, 2023